
If you are interested in adding any of these animals to your family, Click here to view and print an adoption application.
Although this list gives you a general idea of what animals are available, the best thing to do is to visit the Shelter in person, or call the Shelter during our business hours. To see our adoption fees click here
**Each Adoption Includes:** Free phone consultation with a Animal Behaviorist & Four (4) free Behavior classes held on Sat. in Portsmouth with Sue Carney
DOGS UPDATED 12/24/10!!
I have yet to have a real family life...so I am searching for that special someone to bring me in the house and love me. I can be shy initially as I learn all about normal things but, I am a quick learner! I love a good pat and will get right up close if you let me. Other dogs would be wonderful to have maybe a cat too. Children over 6 for me please.
Age: 9 Months (approx) Sex: SF Breed: Beagle |
Still an adolescent, I am learning all about things that will help us bond and what it means to be a family member. I am quite playful and do like to play keep away at times, so should be leashed for now. I do well with most other dogs although, I play a little rough and tumble at times so let's meet frst! Cats seem fine too. Due to my need to learn and grow together, I am searching for a home with children over 8 please.
Age: 1 Year (approx) Sex: NM Breed: Labrador Mix |
I think everything is fun and exciting! I love to be a part of whatever is going on and prefer to go places with you when we can..I love the car! Social and outgoing, I can be pushy at times and given my size, a whole lot of dog. I am seeking a breed experienced home that is ready for the life of the party to be a part of the family! No cats for me please, teens and adults only and a breed experienced home. Another canine may be okay but, I would definately need to meet them first to make sure we are compatible.
Age: 2 Years (approx) Sex: NM Breed: American Pit Bull Terrier |
I am a calm yet cautious girl in need of some gentle leadership and routine to settle in well. An emotionally secure relationship, low maintenace, that's me! I do love to play fetch and think tennis balls are just the best invention ever! Yet, I will calm right down and sit next to you to relax. I have done well with similar energy levbel dogs but, do not care for the crazy puppies! Due to my clam demeanor, children over 8 for me please and a cat free zone.
Age: 3 Years (approx) Sex: SF Breed: Spitz Mix |
Fearful at times, I warm up quickly with a little help and turn into a wiggly and jumpy,happy pup! I do well with other small dogs and have had no issues here with the cats in residence. Larger dogs can be scary for me but,if they are gentle and easygoing,it may work. I am hoping for children beyond the toddler phase to help me mesh with the family.
Age: 2 Years (approx) Sex: SF Breed: Chihuahua/Terrier |
Happy and silly and looking for a new home! I aim to please and love to learn. I love being around other dogs and play great with them! Cats are a little too interesting to me so a cat free zone would be best for me. I listen and learn well and with consistency and leadership...can excel! Due to my somewhat shy nature at times, I am asking for children over 4 please.
Age: 10 Months (approx) Sex: NM Breed: Labrador Mix
Somewhat worried and cautious, I would be best with a home that has either adults only or teens and adults. I need time to settle and feel at ease and prefer the simpler, quieter life. I may do well with another smaller dog but, have been bossy with some so need a proper introduction first. Cats are okay with me though. I do better with a crate to retreat to when I am nervous. A firm leader with clear guidelines and confidence will be the best thing for me!
Age: 7 Years (approx) Sex: NM Breed: American Eskimo
Cautious and concerned with too much commotion, I do settle with an easy touch and enjoy being with people. I may hang back for a bit to assess things but, only need gentle reassurance when we meet. I have done well with other small dogs and seem to be okay with cats as well. I would prefer children over 8 or so to ensure an easier lifestyle for me.
Age: 6 Years (approx) Sex: NM Breed: American Eskimo
Affectionate, playful and willing..I could make an excellent new family member if given the chance! I am very gentle when we play and although, I can get a little silly at times, I listen well. I have proven to be calm and easygoing with other dogs and play well with themtoo! Cats are pretty interesting but, no big fuss for me. All ages should be okay with me!
Age: 1 Year (approx) Sex: SF Breed: Hound Mix |
I am a sweet and somewhat shy pup in need of basic direction and reassurance. I open up quickly and do quite well with a little consistency. I like my crate and feel quite at ease when I am able to utilize it as my safety net when things are new. I should be okay with all ages, other dogs and cats as long as we get the chance to settle in with each other.
Age: 1 Year (approx) Sex: SF Breed: Border Collie/Feist Mix |
Goofy, wiggly and somewhat clumsy...I am a great happy go lucky kind of guy! I love to be with people and adore a good scratch. Given my gearth and the fact that I do not seem to know my own stregth, I am asking for children over 6 please. I am very tolerant and accepting of canine friends but, would prefer a similar type of dog to have the best playtime possible. I am curious, maybe too much so at times and get myself into trouble...but I am so darn cute about it! No cats please...they are just too inetersting!
Age: 2 Years Sex: NM Breed: American Pit Bull |
I am loaded with enthusiasm! I love to romp about and play, snuggle and squirm for attention. If it involves movement and people, I'm into it! I have great potential to be an excellent jogging or running companion as I will do anything if it means I can be a part of something. Due to my sheer enthusiasm, I am asking for children over 8 or so, other dogs with a similar play style and cats that are dog savvy.
Age: 3 Years Sex: SF Breed: American Pit Bull / Labrador Retriever |
I simply have an amazing attitude! I am all wiggles and happiness trying to get as close to you and any attention it may bring as possible. I have a great nature and am so willing to please. Other dogs and cats are fun for me and all ages should be an easy fit for me as well. If you were looking for a perfect companion, I may just be your fit!
Age: 5 Years Sex: SF Breed: Plott Hound Mix |
I am hoping for a better life now. It will take time, on both our parts, to help me to grow and relax. My life has been one with no real normal family lfe, left outside for all hours to fend for myself. I am sweet, gentle and very tolerant but, also very scared. Do you have time to spend with me? Another resident canine would be the ideal to show me the ropes and teach me that things are all okay. A crat would be very helpful for me as well. No children under 12 for me please, I need one on one time and patience to help me grow into the great dog I know I can be.
Age: 12 Years (approx) Sex: SF Breed: Beagle Mix |
Shy and rather nervous, I am learning all about what it is like to be with and around people. So far, I do like it but, still hesitate when we first meet. I have been mostly outdoors with other dogs and may be best suited to move in with another resident canine to help me continue to grow. I am asking for children over 10 to avoid too much commotion. A crate of my very own will help me to settle and of course, lots of one on one time!
Age: 2 Years(approx) Sex: SF Breed: Beagle Mix |
Quite nervous in all this commotion, I am looking for a quieter home to help me settle in. I would do best with another resident canine to help me feel at ease. You see, my life so far has been outdoor only with many other dogs and not much attention from my family. I so want to be loved and love back! It will take time and patience but, a good crate, a place to lay my head and some one on one time and I will surely blossom. Children should be over 10 please.
Age: 5 Years(approx) Sex: SF Breed: Beagle Mix |
Very much a busy hound, I am nosey and need to check everything out! My curiosity can be quite endearing but, does mean we need to stay on our toes together as I may wander. Consistency, treat training (I sure do love food) and positive experiences will make our relationship strong. I do well with most other dogs here, seem to be okay with cats...although, I may chase them for fun and could go home with children over 6 or 8 "ish".
Age: 3 Years (approx) Sex: NM Breed: English Coonhound Mix |
I am a sweet, willing, gentle boy who will simply need patience, time and love to blossom in a home. I am quite nervous at first but, when I bond it is with full devotion to my family. Another gentle, canine companion may be perfect for me to ease into a new setting with someone to show me the way. I am unsure of what to do with cats but, am learning that they are not so bad. Due to my timidity, children should be over 10 please..
Age: 4 Years (approx) Sex: NM Breed: Hound Mix |
I am looking for that emotionally secure, well bonded, take me everywhere and give me lots to do type of relationship. A dog savvy new family would be best for me. I can be anxious at times and need that confidence in my new family to ensure my full potential. Luckily, I am a smart boy and willing so, teaching me new things and showing my things are okay should come easy if things are consistent and there is a clear leader for me to follow. Other dogs may be okay with me, but let's meet first to be sure. Cats may be okay too. 12 and up for me please.
Age: 1 Year (approx) Sex: NM Breed: American Pit Bull |
A little skiddish at first meeting, it simply means I need some reassurance and some quality one on one time to adapt in a new situation. I am a gentleman on leash and will walk easily next to you if you like. I seem okay with cats here and can be with other calm dogs here as well. I prefer the easier, gentle canine companions. Due to my preference for less commotion, I am asking for children over 12 please.
Age: 2 Years 6 Months Sex: NMBreed: Labrador / Shepherd |

Pooh Bear
Pretty nervous with so much change but,it is all good change. You see, I have lived my life thus far, outside with other dogs and not much human interaction. I am learning that meals are always coming,people are here to care for me and not everything has to be so scary. I'll need consistency,patience and simply ...time to adapt. Children should be over 12 for me to settle in successfully. Other dogs and cats are quite scary right now too (except my brother and mom here at Cocheco).
Age: 9 Months (approx) Sex: SF Breed: Beagle / Whippet |
Scared of all the hustle and bustle, I am learning all about being a dog here at Cocheco Valley. I have lied most of my life outside with other dogs but, with little consistency and assuarnce in my daily life. Knowing that food is always coming and there is a gentle hand always here, I am feeling so much better everyday. I am afraid of cats but,getting better,okay with most dogs and should be okay with children over 10 or so.
Age: 2 Years (approx) Sex: SF Breed: Beagle / Whippet |
Shy and cautious upon our first meeting,I will need some patience and time to feel at ease. I have somewhere along the way had my trust broken and need ro relearn that things aren't so bad. I can come off a bit needy at times as I try to understand everything but, spend the time and you'll see I am quite sweet and calm. Another confident dog may be helpful to show me the ropes, dog savvy cats and children over 12 please to assist in my growth in a new home.
Age: 2 Years (approx) Sex: SF Breed: Foxhound Mix |
On the go and checking all things out! I am an adventurous and foolish soul, looking for anyway to kick back, play and just be in the middle of anything you let me! I am asking for children over 6 please. Other dogs should have a thorough meet and greet to make sure they don't mind adding me to their life. Cats?..well they are for chasing right?
Age: 1 Year Sex: NM Breed: Jack Russell Terrier |
I have been through a lot in my life so far and am desperately seeking a well versed "terrier" type home. Misunderstood previosuly, I was never given time to settle and relax thus, becoming very fearful with all the commotion. Given time, calmness and understanding, I am a sweet, quiet and easy little guy. I would like a home with teens and adults to ensure my success. Another small, calm canine may be nice as well.
Age: 4 Years Sex: NM Breed: Jack Russell Terrier |
Ready for an active household with clear guidelines to lessen my confusion...I have been waiting a long time for that perfectly understanding great fit. A good blend of energy, structure and dedication, that is all I truly need. Give me a try! Due to my having been kenneled a long time back in Indiana and needing to "regroup", I am anticipating my best fit to be cat free, children over 10/12 ish and only other dogs of like minded style.
Age: 2 Years Sex: NM Breed: Fox Terrier X |
I am considered a work in progress...you see I have lots of nervous energy and can sometimes react in a way that needs some fine tuning. I adore people and learn quickly, my bond is fast and easy and I love my family. My downfall is simply that I do not want to live with other animals. Due to my ability to listen and learn, I should be a nice addition to a person looking for a constant companion. Take me on rides, out and about but, always on leash. I have been okay with children but, am asking for 8 and over please.
Age: 2 Years 8 Months 1 Week Sex: NM Breed: Labrador / Chow Chow |

So happy! I am all wiggles and wonderful. I do take some time to settle as I just get so excited to be with and around people but, I just need some one on one to curl up and wiggle into your lap. I play nicely with most other dogs but,can be overwhelmed by dogs that play too roughly. Cats, well they are pretty scary to me but, I am learning that they are okay and won't hurt me. Given my amazing good nature, all ages should be okay with me as long as my parents know how to be safe with dogs and children.
Age: 9 Months Sex: NM Breed: American Pit Bull Mix |