Winter 2007-Spring 2008
Cocheco Valley Humane Society: What is it?
Our shelter and adoption center is where stray cats and dogs along with other small animals wind up when they are lost or their owners can't care for them anymore. Our caring staff and volunteers make sure all the animals are well cared for until they have a chance at a good home. Sometimes they need medical care or training before they are ready for adoption.
How can someone adopt an animal at CVHS?
When your family finds a pet they love at CVHS and the animal likes them, they can ask to adopt the animal. That means your family fills out forms promising to take care of the pet and to keep him or her safe, warm, well-fed and loved. Then an adoption counselor talk to your family to be sure the animal will fit well into your home. If the animal is a good match, after paying the adoption fee, the family can take the pet home. CVHS is available to help with any issues you may be having as the pet adjusts to your home.
How do you choose a pet that will be good for you and your family?
There are several things families might want to consider when choosing a pet.
1.Select a pet that will fit into your family's style of living as well as fit into your home. Puppies and kittens don't stay little for long! They grow! Allow enough room for the animal to sleep, eat, play and exercise. Ask yourself, "How much time and effort can I devote to the care of this pet?"
2. Learn as much as you can about the type of pet you think you want. For example, all animals need daily exercise and play. Some animals, like dogs, require training too. Rabbits and guinea pigs are active during the day while hamsters and gerbils are more active at night.
3. Think about the expenses of owning a pet. Everyday expenses like food, licenses and bedding need to be considered. Regular health care is an important expense when you have a pet.
4. Adopting a pet is a long-term friendship that can last many years. Cats can live to be 20 years old, dogs 10 to 15 years old and even bunnies live to be 10 years old. Your home should be the forever home your pet truly needs!
Many Thanks To These Cocheco Amigos: Kids Helping CVHS!
As cold weather came to CVHS, so did lots of help from the following groups:
The First Parish Church of Dover Church School students donated animal care items from the shelter wish list! Thanks to all who supported this shelter drive!
Somersworth Middle School Consumer Education classes under the direction of Teacher Judy Tickle donated funds they earned through food sales to CVHS! Thanks for being heroes to all our animals!
North Hampton Middle School students decided to run a Shelter Supply Drive to help CVHS! It was a great success! Three cheers and lots of thanks for all your hard work!
South Berwick Central School Students made animal posters, cat toys and dog treats during their Pet Partner classes in November! High five for a super job!
Do you want to help Cocheco Valley Humane Society?
Let CVHS help you! Are you planning an event or project to help Cocheco Valley Humane Society? Do you need ideas? Just go to our website at www.cvhsonline.org. Tap on "Humane Education" and you'll soon find a list of projects and event ideas that are great for kids! Once you have a good idea, give CVHS a call! Jane Kennedy, our humane educator, is happy to provide information and answer questions. We love pictures of your events so be sure to take a few! If we know the date and location of your event we might be able to set up a visit to your event as well. Call , ext. 115 or email [email protected]
Come and visit CVHS!
Adoption Center Hours: Wednesday 12 - 4 p.m. Thursday: 12 - 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday: 12 - 5 p.m. Sunday: 12 - 4 p.m. Monday and Tuesday: Closed