Do You Have the Time?
By: Christopher F. Barry
My name is Chris, and I have ten rabbits. �Four of them were adopted from Cocheco Valley Humane Society (CVHS): Bun-Bun, Bubbles, Buddy, and Cuddles. �Most of my rabbits need extra attention because some of them were abandoned, like Buddy and Cuddles. �Some were never held, like Bun-Bun and Bubbles, yet the more you hold them the more they like to be with you.
You have to pay a lot of attention to your rabbit(s). �Some people think they are just toys. �But they are more than just toys, they are your responsibility! �They are living things just like humans only hairier. �You have to feed them and give them water every day to keep them happy and healthy (their favorite type of snack that doesn�t cost anything is clover and grass clippings!)
If you are thinking about adopting a rabbit you have to first decide if you have the time to take care of them every day and the time to build a big cage for them if you are getting more than one. �If you are going to have them outside you should at least build shelter for them, don�t just put a store bought cage outside. �If you get a rabbit the cage should be built first. �My dad and I made a cage about six feet by ten feet. �If you decide to put them outside you should have more than one rabbit so they keep each other warm. �If you get an indoor rabbit that has never been outside before, you have to let it get used to the outside slowly. �If you put it out immediately it could get very sick. �Some of the things that have to be in their cage are clean hay, fresh food, a nice house to hide and stay warm in and a place to run around in the sun. �The rabbits have to have nail trimmings every month and stay in good health. �It is also your responsibility to take care of them after surgery, and to be sure they don�t have unwanted litters.
Some ways I enjoy my rabbits is to sit with them while I play video games, or to take them places like the park and visiting family. �When spring comes we are going to make a playpen for them out in the yard so they have a place to eat grass and play with each other.
I think personally that you should definitely adopt your rabbits from Cocheco Valley Humane Society, because they will be happier and healthier and you could be saving their life. �Pet stores keep them in tiny, dirty cages and don�t give them a lot to eat.� Some of the rabbits I have bought from pet stores have died a week into when I bought them. �The rabbits that I have bought from CVHS are still alive and healthy and some of them I have owned for over a year.
You should not get a rabbit if you don�t have the time to care for one and to give it love and attention. �If you don�t have the time to take care of it there is a good chance it could become sick. Rabbits are a big responsibility even if you have just one or two.
I hope this has helped you to decide if you have the time.