
Meg Belcher
The Pet au Pair
Professional pet sitting & dog walking Serving Rochester, Dover, Barrington, and Farmington New Hampshire
The Yellow Dog's Barn, LLC Dog Daycare, Pet Grooming & Dog Training
366 Route 4 Barrington, NH 03825
(603) 868-3647 www.theyellowdogsbarn.com |
The Travelin' Hound
Experienced grooming and secure transportation to The Yellow Dog's Barn Doggie Daycare
Convenient stops in Dover and Portsmouth
(603) 817-4585 www.thetravelinhound.com
Brian Kilcommons and Sarah Wilson With more than 50 years of dog training experience combined, Brian and Sarah have helped countless people with the most common puppy problems.
You can contact them at [email protected] |

Listen to Brian Kilcommons on Great Pets Radio on WTSN AM 1270 every Sunday 11-12 AM |
For even MORE information about rabbits, visit;
Purchase "The Journey" and help the Animals of CVHS www.journeyforanimals.com

Following the loss of her 2 beloved pets, local writer Crystal Ward Kent wrote "The Journey", an essay about loving pets.
Since 1998, the essay has appeared on 35,000 websites worldwide, been read on "The Today Show", featured in a book of essays by a Benedictine monk and sought out by Cokie Roberts on the deather of her dog, Abner. The essay is also part of a worldwide candlelight vigil held every Monday night at 10pm on www.petloss.com.
Purchase a 16"x20" poster of "The Journey", with illustrated photographs, suitable for framing and Crystal will donate a portion of proceeds to help the animals of CVHS.
To purchase yours go to: www.journeyforanimals.com, OR visit Crystal weekdays at 311 Picker Suites at One Washington Center in downtown Dover OR
stop by Canine Cupboard, 102 State Street, Portsmouth