BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Pope Memorial Humane Society - ECPv5.1.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Pope Memorial Humane Society X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Pope Memorial Humane Society BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:UTC BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:UTC DTSTART:20200101T000000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20200609T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20200610T180000 DTSTAMP:20200513T055856 CREATED:20200312T205224Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200312T205739Z SUMMARY:NH Gives DESCRIPTION:NH Gives – an initiative of the NH Center for Nonprofits – is a powerful\, statewide 24-hour online fundraising event that is designed to build community\, connect donors to local nonprofits\, and generate excitement about the nonprofit sector. \nPope Memorial Humane Society needs your help to make our NH Gives campaign a success! Please make a plan to donate between 6PM-6PM on June 9th & 10th to help us reach our fundraising goal and possibly win some great extra prizes from the NH Center for Nonprofits! If you can’t give\, share our emails and social media posts on that day and encourage your network to support us in the work we do helping the animals of PMHS. \n URL: CATEGORIES:Charity,Fundraiser,Online Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="NH%20Center%20for%20Nonprofits" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20200626T200000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20200626T220000 DTSTAMP:20200513T055856 CREATED:20200109T191742Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200318T211456Z SUMMARY:PMHS Comedy Night at the Elks DESCRIPTION:\n#cmsms_button_5ebb8ca03b83a { \n text-align:center; \n} \n\n#cmsms_button_5ebb8ca03b83a .cmsms_button:before { \n margin-right:.5em; \n margin-left:0; \n vertical-align:baseline; \n} \n\n#cmsms_button_5ebb8ca03b83a .cmsms_button { \n font-family:'Raleway'; \n font-size:22px; \n font-weight:bold; \n font-style:normal; \n border-style:solid; \n background-color:#185a7d; background-color:rgba(24\, 90\, 125\, 1);\n color:#ffffff; color:rgba(255\, 255\, 255\, 1);\n} \n#cmsms_button_5ebb8ca03b83a .cmsms_button:hover { \n background-color:#3ea99f; background-color:rgba(62\, 169\, 159\, 1);\n color:#ffffff; color:rgba(255\, 255\, 255\, 1);\n} \nOur Comedy Night Fundraiser has been rescheduled for June 26th! \nJoin us at the Dover Elks on June 26th for a night that will have you rolling out of your seat! Comedians Kenny Rogerson\, Jason Merrill\, and Kennedy Richard will be entertaining you while you enjoy delicious desserts to snack on and a cash bar. You could also walk away with some cold\, hard cash if you’re the winner of the night’s 50/50 raffle! All proceeds benefit the animals of Pope Memorial Humane Society. This event is 21+. \nGeneral admission is $25. VIP tickets are $35 and get you closer to the stage. If you want to be front and center\, you can reserve one of the four tables (8 seats) in our dog pound area directly in front of the stage for $400. You can also reserve a VIP table (8 seats) for $280. Tickets are on sale now. All ticket sales are final and non-refundable. \nHere’s a little more about our comedy lineup for the night: \nKENNY ROGERSON\nFor the past 20 years Kenny Rogerson has been one of the top comedians in the region and among the best comics nation wide. As well as making regular stops to perform in Las Vegas and Atlantic City\, Rogerson has made appearances on the late night talk shows including Letterman and Conan O’Brien as well as having been seen on Comedy Central\, Showtime’s “A Pair of Jokers\,” Evening at the Improv\, Fox Television Network’s “Sunday Comics\,” MTV and has made film appearances in “Fever Pitch” and “There’s Something About Mary.” He has also performed at the prestigious Comics Come Home. \nRogerson has appeared as “Kevin the Biker Fireman” on the FX hit show “Rescue Me” and as “Pat the Cop” on ABC’s “It’s All Relative.” Frequently referred to as “the funniest man you’ve never heard of\,” Rogerson combines a brilliant wit and an understated sarcasm that has led him to the nation’s top clubs. He is simply one of the funniest comedians in the business. \nJASON MERRILL\nJason Merrill works the top clubs in New England and is a featured performed at comedy rooms such as Giggles\, Kowloon\, Tupelo Music Hall\, and more\, as well as sharing the stage with the likes of comedy stars Lenny Clarke\, Steve Sweeney\, Paul D’Angelo and more. Merrill quickly rose through the comedy ranks and is well on his way to being a star on the Boston comedy scene. \nKENNEDY RICHARD\nA former police detective Kennedy Richard is a popular New England act appearing alongside the biggest names in the business including Lenny Clarke and Steve Sweeney and he appears at the top Boston area clubs. Richard takes everyday situations and finds the ‘every man’ humor in them. \n\nBuy Tickets\n\n\n \n URL: LOCATION:Dover Elks Lodge\, 282 Durham Road\, Dover\, NH\, 03820\, United States CATEGORIES:Charity,Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="Pope%20Memorial%20Humane%20Society": END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20200927T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20200927T140000 DTSTAMP:20200513T055856 CREATED:20200312T185833Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200416T161439Z SUMMARY:Tails to Trails Dog Walk DESCRIPTION:Join us in beautiful Henry Law Park on September 27th for the 26th annual Tails to Trails Dog Walk! \nFeaturing a charity walk\, human agility course\, workouts with animals\, a vendor fair\, tons of great raffle prizes\, a beer garden\, and lots of great doggos walking around\, it will be a fantastic day of fun for the whole family! \nStay tuned to our website for more details as the day gets closer! \n URL: LOCATION:Henry Law Park\, Dover\, NH\, 9 Henry Law Avenue\, Dover\, NH\, 03820\, United States CATEGORIES:Dog Walk,Events,Family-friendly,Fundraiser,Pet-friendly,Volunteering ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Pope%20Memorial%20Humane%20Society": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR