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"Meow Free or Die"

25th Annual (Silver*) Cat Show
May 3 & 4, 2003
Everett Arena, 15 Loudon Rd., Concord, NH 03301

John Colilla, AB
Bob Goltzer, AB
Brian Pearson, LH/SH
Nancy Dodds, AB
Jean Grimm, AB
Jerri Williard-Zottoli, LH/SH
Show Manager: Jack Ryley, One Kathleen Court, Warwick, RI 02893 • ([email protected])
Entry Clerk: Jan Beardsley-Blanco, Box 574, New London, NH 038257-0574 • 603-526-4688 ([email protected])
Please, no calls after 9:00 pm. E-MAIL ENTRIES ACCEPTED AND WELCOMED
Show Secretary: Norma Roy, 361 Fremont St., MAnchester, NH  03103  603-625-8483 ([email protected])
Vendors: Pat Muise, 18 High St., Stow, MA 01775 • 978-562-9301 ([email protected])

Household Pets Welcome!
(Household pets - for more information, contact Jan Beardsley, Entry Clerk, 603-526-4688)
Limited to a total of 350 cats; Top Ten Format. No kitten under the age of 4 months will be allowed in the show hall. Front and back claws must be trimmed prior to benching. No declawed entries are permitted. Cats should have current immunizations: NH requires rabies vaccinations for all cats and a health certificate within 10 days prior to transfer of cats for sale. We reserve the right to change judges if necessary. All Championship, Premiership and registered Kittens will be scored for CFA National and Regional awards. The entry clerk will call collect if your entry is incomplete.
FEES** First Entry: $46.00 (incl. catalog)
2nd Entry: $41.00
Add'l Entries: $36.00
*Silver Entry: $5.00 Off Per Entry
Household Pets: $46.00 (extra 1/2 cage free)
EOR/Substitutions: $10.00
Extra 1/2 Cage: $20.00
Grooming: $30.00
Checks Ret'd by Bank: $20.00
** CFA surcharge of $1.00 has been added to all entry fees

CLOSING DATE: Monday, April 25th, 2:00 pm (firm) or when filled.

HOURS: Check-in time: 8:00-9:30am Saturday. CATS MUST BE BENCHED BY 9:30 am SATURDAY. Judging begins at 10:00 am on Saturday and 9:00 am on Sunday. Advertised hours: 10:00 am-4:00 pm  Saturday, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Sunday.

BENCHING: All benching requests must be made at the time of entry. NO EXHIBITORS MAY CHANGE BENCHING ASSIGNMENTS WITHOUT PERMISSION OF SHOW MANAGER. Cages will be 21" X 23" X 21". This is a non-vetted show. NO SMOKING will be allowed in the show hall. NO CATS OR KITTENS MAY BE CONFINED TO CARRIERS EITHER DISPLAYED OR UNDER CAGES.

SHOW  HALL: Everett Arena, 15 Loudon Rd., Concord, NH 03301. The arena is handicapped accessible, climate controlled by industrial fans. NO CATS MAY BE LEFT IN THE SHOW HALL OVERNIGHT.

HOTELS: Comfort Inn, 71 Hall St., Concord, NH  603-226-4100
Hampton Inn, 515 South St., Bow, NH  603-224-5322
Red Roof, Rt. 106, Loudon, NH  603-225-0574

ADVERTISING: Copy must be camera ready and received with payment by the closing date. Please send advertising to: Jan Beardsley--Blanco, Box 574, New London, NH 03257-0574

Full Page: $50.00
Half Page: $35.00
Quarter page: $20.00
Business Cards: $5.00

MISCELLANEOUS: CFA show rules will be strictly enforced. For a copy of the show rules, send $4.00 to CFA, 1805 Atlantic Ave., PO Box 1005, Manasquan, NJ 08736*0805. If this is your first show, please contact a member of the show committee for assistance, if needed. LITTER WILL BE PROVIDED. Please bring you own litter pan and food.

Cocheco Valley Humane Society

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