Didn't find the animal of your dreams here?
Looking for other shelter and rescue organizations on the internet?
Take a look at the links below to other animal welfare organizations in our area. |
 SAFER - Seacoast Area Feline Education and Rescue |

Products, Services, Support & Classifieds for Handicapped Pets, their Families, and Friends.
Visit the New Hampshire Chapter of the House Rabbit Society - Your link to information on rabbit care,
adoptions and more! |
 Tots in Mind, leaders in innovative child safety products, offers a wide range of unique products for infants and toddlers. Not only do these products protect children, they keep out nosy pets. |

The Concord-Merrimack County SPCA is an open admission shelter and we accept animals from throughout Merrimcack County. |
 Please visit Petchecks.com to learnhow you can benefit your animalwelfare program every timeyou write a check. and have your pet's picture on your checks

Animal Fighting: The Final Round The Final Round campaign exposes animal fighting, and assists citizens who want to rid their communities of it. |

VermontPet.com is dedicated to providing pet owners with rugged, hand crafted, Vermont made pet toys that will survive the worst beatings pets can deliver. |