April 2003

8th Annual Ride for the Animals set for August 10th.

Posted Friday, April 25, 2003 by cvhs

The 8th Annual Rider for the Animals Poker Run has been set for Saturday, August 10th. The annual event, sponsored by the North Hampton, NH, Seacoast HOG (Harley Owners' Group) Chapter #2805, features raffles, food, trophies, lots of bikes and fun.

Click here for more information, or call Bob Westcott, Jr. at 978-521-0098. All motorcycles are welcome - check it out!

Information Posted for NH Feline Fanciers Cat Show May 3-4th in Concord.

Posted Sunday, April 13, 2003 by cvhs

CVHS Hosts Rabbit Education Day at Petco Saturday, April 12th.

Posted Sunday, April 6, 2003 by cvhs

Did you know that rabbits are the third most surrendered animal species at your local humane society? Cocheco Valley Humane Society has rabbits in need of permanent indoor homes. When spayed or neutered, house rabbits can be very social and loving pets, with a life expectancy of 10 years or more.

Over 90% of homeless rabbits begin life as Easter or 'starter' pets for small children. Yet sadly enough may become isolated in garages or outdoor "hutches," often due to the aggressive behavior and territorial marking, which is normal for unaltered male or female rabbits. Spaying or neutering rabbits greatly reduces these undesirable tendencies, and makes litter training easy.

Domesticated house rabbits feel safest where they can scoot around the floor and have a quiet spot to retreat to in a safe, 'rabbit-proofed' environment. Small children enjoy something they can carry and cuddle, making stuffed animals a good alternative to the real thing.

Pet rabbits will thrive when sharing your living space and are happiest in bonded-pairs who frequently turn out to be best friends with other rabbits, cats, or guinea pigs. House rabbits tend to stay healthier than rabbits kept outdoors, and are much less likely to come down with exposure related illnesses or become infested with parasites.

Rabbits will need a balanced diet of vegetables, hay, and high quality food as well as veterinary care, and regular grooming such as brushing and nail clipping.

Research is the key to making an informed decision before adopting or buying rabbits or any other pet. To learn more, please come to Rabbit Education Day at Petco in Portsmouth on Saturday, April 12 between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. For more information, please call .

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