A Cocheco Cheer - People Who Make A Difference

Over the past few months we have received so many donations from the community. We can't express our thanks enough to those of you who went out of your way to care.

In some cases, people wished to remain anonymous or left so quickly that we never got their names. The following are the ones that we know of. To all of you, known or unknown - our deepest thanks.

Strafford School Student Volunteers Donated $54.60 made at a bake sale held during National Make A Difference Day. (Rumor had it that we're their favorite charity)

From left to right. Top row: Carla Scala and John Dolan. Bottom row: Meagan Corlin and Lyndsey Grant.

Goodwin's Office Products Donated all kinds of neat office things that we immediately found use for.

Susan and Eric Salvatore Donated a much needed microscope.

Paul Bayer Donated an aquarium

Noah Blakney Who asked all his friends who came to his 12th birthday party to bring a donation for CVHS. Noah's cool friends are J.B. Williams, Will Treacy, Dan Watkins, Mike Coy, Chris Barretto, Tyler Allen, Will Hotaling, Nick Kostas, Reed Liset, and Jim Haddadin.

Susan Rowell for Pediatric Physical Therapy Services Donated a 286 PC and keyboard with software.

Brownie Troop 305 of Strafford This group was so touched by their tour of the shelter that some brought their parents back with them and adopted new family members. They also donated their profit from their cookie sale, $100, to the shelter. Troop members are Kimm Morrison*, Kayla Waldron*, Kaitlin Waldron*, Caitlyn Reddington, Lindsey Phalen, Elizabeth Waldron, Lindsay Lurvey, Anna Hartman, Nicole Smith, Haley Omand, Laura Von Wahlde and Kim Felber.

*Pictured in photo. Troop leaders: Heidi Waldron and Val Morrison.

Mimi Loureiro and Luna (photo) Mimi had car trouble the day of the CVHS Paws Cause Road Race. She didn't get to run the race but felt "so strongly about supporting" CVHS, she still donated $185 in pledges to CVHS. In our hearts, Mimi is a real winner.

Questions or comments about CVHS should be directed to
© 1997 Cocheco Valley Humane Society